Get some rest mommy! Keller is doing great - he's sleeping comfortably and only has moments of whimpering every once in a while when his roommate cries. Morphine will help manage his pain tonight so he can get some well-deserved rest. Dad, on the other hand, doesn't get any opiates but has a pretty nice fold out bed that might see some use. . . Otis can have my spot in the bed tonight! - Mark
Angie Weber said . . . I just wanted to send a quick note to pass on my well wishes for you, Hillary and Keller. I hope recovery is as smooth as possible. It sounds like you guys have been wonderful parents; you've done a perfect job making sure he gets the great care he deserves. What a cutie ... and a brave little boy, to boot.Again -- my best to all of you, Angie


Wow, what a day. Keller is now resting comfortably in the PICU. I'll ask Mark to speak for himself, but for me, I thought the hardest part would be saying our goodbyes before surgery. That ended up not being the case. I felt that I had prepared myself with enough before/after pics to get a general idea of what to expect--but as you might imagine, when it's your little guy--it's incredibly difficult to take in. As we were walking towards his room I could see a little boy ahead of me but truly thought we were walking into the wrong room. I read the charts with his name, but still had to make sure that I was looking at my Keller by checking out his little nose and 2 bottom teeth. I need to say that beyond the swelling and bruising, he really does look incredible. Dr. Ellenbogen (nuerosurgeon) showed us the CT scans and the results are amazing (I plan on scanning them sometime soon and adding them to the site as well). I'm sorry I don't have pictures to post tonight. I regretfully forgot the card scanner at the hospital, so I'm unable to upload photos. I promise to make that happen as soon as I can. Thank you everyone for your prayers and kind words--I'm off to get some much needed rest.
Kristen and Hogie Fritsch said...Hill and Mark, Our thoughts are with you. We know how stressful this time can be, you are on pins and needles from one checkpoint to the next. Holding your breath, then sighing in relief that Keller has made it through each hurdle. Hang in there! We are so relieved surgery went well and hope the same for his recovery. We would love to bring you dinner sometime in the upcoming weeks and look forward to hearing about his progress. Love- K,H,M,K +L
Nate Muller said... Mark, Rachel and I are thinking of Keller in class tonight. So happy to hear that he made it through the surgery. Best wishes on the recovery. Your MBA groupies
Susie Kimelman said...Thrilled to hear all went well... glad the surgery is behind you ...the waiting must have been so hard...hope his recovery goes smoothly...we are praying for him..Take care....Susie and Josh
Aunt Andrea said...So glad Tom called Mother in Texas. Peter is there helping out a bit and let me know that surgery is over and all is stable. Hurray! Love you all! Aunt Andrea in Wisconsin!


Keller is all stitched up and headed for his CT scan. We spoke with Dr. Hopper who reported that all is well and Keller performed admirably! He explained that, since Keller will need to grow into his new forehead, they had to overcompensate his brow (extended approximately an inch from where he was before) but that it will soften as the months go by. He has a good-sized soft spot and also has a drain behind one of his ears to help reduce any swelling. The drain should be removed within 3 days. We should be able to see him in 15 minutes! More to report later...
Cousin Quinn said...Dear Keller. I miss you. Don't worry- don't be afraid Keller. Everything is going to be alright. I hope you feel better soon. I've been to the hospital when I had an owie on my bottom. I have a knock knock joke for you:knock knock>whos there?>Olive>Olive who?>Olive you! Love, your cousin Quinn Jurek
Cindy Dilliner said...Molly and family, Everyone in the Governor's office-and many folks stepping into the office today-have been asking about Keller. Sounds like all is going well and the worst part will soon be over. Me, Monte and kids are all praying for Keller and hugging my own kids tight and being thankful for what we have. Funny how you somtimes take things for granted. Looking forward to hearing about recovery tonight!


The doctors are in the final stages of putting Keller's bones back in the right spot. The O.R. Nurse expects that they will be finished in approximately 45 minutes. At that point, Keller will be moved to have another CT scan and we will get a chance to speak with Dr. Hopper, the lead plastic surgeon. Time for another coffee...
Darla Bedford said...I remember that hunger is always so hard when they are so little waiting for surgery. I'm sorry they started late - you all must be exhausted! We've checked a couple of times today to see how it's going and are looking forward to the "all clear". God bless you Mark and your wonderful family. Hugs,Les and Darla


We've had our 2nd update from the O.R. Keller is still stable and the plastic surgeon is currently working on reshaping the bones. Keller is working on his second unit of blood and they suspect he'll need three. More to come...
Ben and Amber Graeber said...Keep us posted when you find the time! Thinking of you all today, Amber & Ben
Ben and Laura Lappenga said...We'll be looking forward to the update that says all is well and that the little guy is out of surgery. We love you guys!
Andrew and Chandra Mullenix said...glad to hear that things are going well -andrew said he'll stop by if he's got some time at a reasonable hour tonight...


Keller's surgery began at 2:50 this afternoon. He was pretty hungry waiting for all of the doctors to get ready, but he kept a brave face. Our first update from the OR let us know that he's doing well so far and things are going according to plan. We'll have more information later. . .
Great Grandma Nelson said... Keller, Hillary and Mark Just wanted you to know that I am there with you in spirit today and will pray for all of you. Parents have to do many hard things - along with the good- when raising children. I am sure you have the best care for Keller and this will all be harder on you two than it will be for Keller. So glad you have supportive family with you there at the hospital. Keep the faith! I'll be anxious for a phone call from someone saying "all is well". Love, Marcy
Elsy Davison said . . . Hi Hillary and Mark and of course baby Keller - our prayers go out to all 3 of you and as we all know all will turn out great, Keller is a strong baby! lots of love and I'll check back later for more updated. - Elsy and Paul
Sarah Hoard said . . . Hi guys, just want to send our love from Colorado on this big day. Keller and you both are in our thoughts and prayers today. Looking forward to hearing about his speedy recovery. Love, Mike, Sarah, Liam and Milo
Tim and Laura said...Hi guys! Tim and I are thinking about Keller and his family on this big day! We are so glad your family could come out for this event and that the surgery was not moved back. Keller, you are a strong little man and we know you will get through all of this wonderfully. Much love, Laura & Tim.


Today's the BIG day! We made it through all of our appointments yesterday and were given a clean bill of health! Surgery will be at 1pm, and will last approximately 5.5 hours. I will do my best to keep you updated with any news as I hear it from the doctors and nurses during surgery. Later tonight I will have a few pictures posted so please check back. Mark and I wanted to thank everyone for your support. Even though our friends and family are all around the world, we truly feel that you're beside us today. Thank you!!
Charlie Jones said...Hey Keller,Good luck with your surgery tomorrow. I'm looking forward to hanging out with you this summer. Here's to a speedy recovery!