Wow, what a day. Keller is now resting comfortably in the PICU. I'll ask Mark to speak for himself, but for me, I thought the hardest part would be saying our goodbyes before surgery. That ended up not being the case. I felt that I had prepared myself with enough before/after pics to get a general idea of what to expect--but as you might imagine, when it's your little guy--it's incredibly difficult to take in. As we were walking towards his room I could see a little boy ahead of me but truly thought we were walking into the wrong room. I read the charts with his name, but still had to make sure that I was looking at my Keller by checking out his little nose and 2 bottom teeth. I need to say that beyond the swelling and bruising, he really does look incredible. Dr. Ellenbogen (nuerosurgeon) showed us the CT scans and the results are amazing (I plan on scanning them sometime soon and adding them to the site as well). I'm sorry I don't have pictures to post tonight. I regretfully forgot the card scanner at the hospital, so I'm unable to upload photos. I promise to make that happen as soon as I can. Thank you everyone for your prayers and kind words--I'm off to get some much needed rest.