Meredith Jurek said. . .Those pics are AMAZING. What a trooper. My fav is "Keller after 12 rounds with George Foreman". You just have to laugh and hug the little guy. Just think - in a few days Aiden will proudly re-gain the title of "Biggest Baby Head" of the Clause lineage. He is pumped. Cant wait to see you all in person. Love Meredith
Brooke Miller said... He looks great! I can't believe the difference. I am so happy for you all and hope you have a perfect weekend! made it through the hardest part!Brooke and Family


Home sweet home! We've made it home, and [sigh] it feels sooo good. He had a long nap in his favorite swing and his no up and playing. It truly is remarkable how quickly he's bounced back. Even harder to believe is that a little tylenol is all that he needs for pain relief. But if he ever needs more we've got the stronger (prescription needed) stuff available. We've added photos of days 3 and 4 to ENJOY! Also, for easier referencing, I've added a link to all the photos to the left side of the blog (see "Keller Photos" under the picture of Keller).
Elsy and Paul Davison said. . .That is so great that you will be able to be going home soon! I'm glad to hear that all is going great! I'm sure all of you are thrilled that you will spending the night in your own place! Thanks so much for the updated! It's greatly appreciated! - lots of love - elsy and paul
Todd and Natalia said. . .That is great news! I am so happy for you guys, it must be a big relief. Take care you guys! We will be thinking of you! Love, Todd and Natalia


We've received the green light to take Keller home! Man, kids really do bounce back fast! For those of you who have seen the pictures and the CT Scans, I'm sure you'd agree that it is absolutely incredible that he is able to come home less than 72 hours after that surgery. In fact, the whole ordeal began at 2:50 p.m. on Tuesday and we'll be home by 2:50 p.m. on Friday - unbelievable! Thank you so much for all of the well-wishes and prayers - reading your replies to the blog really helped us through this! We'll have a few more posts from home (and some follow-up pictures for sure) but we're feeling pretty good about Keller's prognosis at this point. We can't wait to get him into his own bed again! Thanks again to everyone for the amazing support - Mark, Hillary and Keller
Emily said... I'm so excited to hear that you'll all be home soon. I can't believe how fast Keller is progressing! Looking forward to hearing more good news...
Kathy Specketer said. . . I'm so glad Keller is doing well! Thanks for the information and tell Molly & Tom all is well on Mueller Lane. Kathy
Jeff and Megan Hodge said. . .Mark/Hill: I apparently am blogger challenged (never gotten into the blog thing, although what a great idea for your current situaiton) but I have been reading the updates and the posts people have been writing...I just wanted to say that Keller as well as you both are in our thoughts and couldn't be more elated that everything is going so well to date. Although I've never met Keller, if he's anything like mom and dad (which I'm sure he is) I know that he's a very strong and determined little fella and is going to be just fine when this is all done. Tell him to keep it up. With love, Jeff and Megan
Brooke Miller said...That is awesome! I can't believe he might go home today. Are you ready for that? I am so glad he got the tube out. YEAHHH
Sarah Hoard said . . . Mark and Hill,Your updates are great to read and "GREAT SLEEPLESS NIGHT" had me smiling. It is wonderful to hear that little K-Man is returning to himself more everyday! all our love and admiration, Mike, Sarah, Liam and Milo


The plastics team came by this morning and removed the drain from his head. It looked a lot worse than it was - Keller only cried for about 30 seconds. Next the neuro team stopped by with a very encouraging assessment. They think that we'll be able to go home this afternoon, provided we don't encounter any setbacks and feel comfortable taking care of him on our own. The nurse helped Keller get some of the dried blood cleaned off of his incision site - we haven't been able to do anything with that since the surgery. Now he's cleaned up and doing great, sitting on mom's lap and watching Elmo again. The day is off to a great start!


Keller had another great night. It didn't include much sleep, but it proved that he can now assume all of his favorite sleeping and lounging positions. Each time that we finally fell asleep, Keller almost immediately woke me up to as if to say "look, dad, I pulled out my last IV," or "look, dad, I figured out how to lay of my knees and forehead again," or "look, dad, I've spun around three full times and pulled all of my monitors off." While it wasn't exactly restful, Keller never cried the whole night. I'm getting to the point where I feel like know more about what Keller needs than the nurses (they're at a disadvantage because they rotate, while we're with him 24 hours a day), so it must be getting close to time to head home.
Chuck and Pat said . . . With God's healing grace and modern technology, along with your strength and the love of family and friends, this is a fascinating experience for us all to share with you. We are so eager to check the updates on Keller's blog and are thrilled that things are going so well. You are constantly in our thoughts and prayers. Keep up the good work Keller !!