Hello everyone. Well, we are recovering from a rather stressful day. For the past 2 weeks we've been doing everything possible to keep Keller as healthy as can be. Like paranoid parents, we've been taking him to see his pediatrician every week just to hear a clean-bill-of-health report. Today's visit brought on new worries about surgery being cancelled. We've been told from the beginning, that if he has a cold, cough, ear infection or other illness within 2 weeks of surgery that we must call the surgery clinic immediately. Sure enough, Keller currently has ear infections in both ears. Arrrghh!!!! Trust me, you would never suspect it by his incredibly cheery attitude and eating/sleeping habits. With family arriving on Sunday, we had to know whether sugery could be cancelled and whether they should not bother in coming to Seattle. So after several hours of pacing, a bit of cooking and even a crossword puzzle to take our minds off of it-- we heard back from the Children's Hospital that surgery is still on! Sigh...